Fixfest is an event created by The Restart Project, registered Charity number 1151286. Our registered address is 3Space (Keeton & Collett’s), Keeton’s Road, London SE16 4EE. You can contact us by email on [email protected] and telephone on +44 (0) 7544 314 678. Hereafter, we will be referred to in the first person: e.g. ‘we’, ‘us’.
This policy explains how we collect, manage, use and protect your personal data (hereafter referred to as ‘data’) in relation to our Fixfest event.
Your personal information is protected by UK legislation, including the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy & Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679).
This policy was last updated on 4 April 2023 (updated link to GDPR documentation)
What information do you collect, and how do you use it?
We collect the following types of data:
Personally identifiable information
– Email address — To contact interested people about future Fixfests
Aggregate Data
– Web analytical data, including page views, sessions, entrances and exits, frequencies of downloads, and other interactions with the Fixfest website – To monitor and report on the performance of our website(s) and popularity/demand for our content
How do you work with third-parties in processing my personal data?
We use four online platforms to maintain contacts and manage ticket sales.
– Drip [Privacy Policy] for email marketing to those interested in Fixfest as of 2020
– Hubspot [Privacy Policy] for contact management
– MailChimp [Privacy Policy] for keeping in touch with attendees 2017-2020;
– Tito [Privacy Policy] for managing and communicating with Fixfest attendees.
Where is this data stored?
The information processed by these third-party providers is stored on their servers, and is kept secure through their data security provisions. Please refer to the providers’ specific privacy policies outlined above for specifics on each service.
Do any of these third party platforms transfer data internationally?
Data processed by MailChimp may be stored on servers located within the United States of America, and is transferred in compliance with the EU-U.S Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.
How long will you keep my information?
If you have consented to give us your data for the purposes of receiving information updates from us (for example, you provide us with your email address in order to receive the Restart Project newsletter), we will hold your data until you withdraw your consent to receive such information (such as by unsubscribing), or until the data no longer enables us to provide you with this information (such as when your email inbox is full and can no longer receive new messages).
If you withdraw your consent or request to receive no further contact, we will retain some basic information, such as your email address, for the purposes of excluding from sending you further unwanted materials in the future.
Will the Restart Project share my personal information with anyone else?
The Restart Project will not, under any circumstances, share or sell your personal data with any third party for marketing purposes, and you will not receive offers from other companies or organisations as a result of providing us with information. If you believe your personal data has been shared with a third party as a result of sharing it with us, please contact us with your concern.
We will only use the information you consent to provide to us for the reasons we have specified – in the case of our Fixfest mailing list, upon sign-up, users give consent for us to pass on their contacts to future organisers of Fixfest events, when they have been identified.
When this occurs, we will notify users of the changes and alter this policy accordingly.
If you have provided your data for these purposes outlined in this policy, and we need to change for any reason the way we share your personal data with others, we will contact you in writing and reflect all changes in this policy.
What are my rights as a data subject?
Your rights as a Data Subject under the General Data Protection Regulation include the right to access your data, rectify the data we have, withdrawing your consent to receive information and to object if you feel there has been an issue with how your data is being processed, and to be forgotten if that is your wish.
A full list of your rights is available in Chapter III of the General Data Protection Regulation.
If you wish to change the way we communicate with you, request to see or update the information we hold about you, or if you believe your data has been breached or compromised by providing it to us, please contact us:
– Email us at [email protected]
– Write to us at: Information Officer, the Restart Project, 3Space, Keeton’s Road, London SE16 4EE
– Call us on +44 7544 314 678 (Monday to Friday, 10am – 5pm)
You may also update your preferences or opt out of receiving our newsletters by clicking on the relevant link in any email we send you via MailChimp.
If you wish to file a complaint about our handling of data, you may do so on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office.